Dr. Berry Claus
Berry Claus Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Aktuelle Schwerpunkte in der Lehre
Traditionelle Grammatik
Weitere Lehrbereiche
Grundlagen der Linguistik
Experimentelle Methoden
Statistische Datenanalyse
Künstliche Intelligenz
Wintersemester 2021/2022
Alle meine Lehrveranstaltungen im WiSe 2021/22 werden in digitaler Form stattfinden (Mischung aus asynchronen und synchronen Anteilen: Audio/Video-Präsentationen und Zoommeetings). Nähere Informationen dazu werden Sie auf der Moodleseiten der jeweiligen LV finden. Den Kursschlüssel erhalten Sie rechtzeitig vor Beginn der Vorlesungszeit.
Seminar Der Satz - Gruppe 6, dienstags, 12-14 Uhr
Seminar Der Satz - Gruppe 7, dienstags, 14-16 Uhr
Seminar Der Satz - Gruppe 3, mittwochs, 8-10 Uhr
Seminar Der Satz - Gruppe 4, mittwochs, 10-12 Uhr
Seminar Der Satz - Gruppe 8, mittwochs, 14-16 Uhr
Seminar Der Satz - Gruppe 5, donnerstags, 8-10 Uhr
Seminar Framing-Effekte als Text-und-Diskurs-Phänomen - Gruppe 1, donnerstags, 10-12 Uhr
Seminar Framing-Effekte als Text-und-Diskurs-Phänomen - Gruppe 2, donnerstags, 14-16 Uhr
Link zu einer Übersicht meiner Lehrveranstaltungen
- Pragmatik, Semantik und Psycholinguistik
- Framing-Effekte als Effekte sprachlicher Variation
- Text und Diskurs
- Propositionale Referenz
- Beziehung zwischen sprachlicher und nicht-sprachlicher Kognition
- Experimentelle Methoden
Capuano, F., Claus, B. & Kaup, B. (accepted). The experiential basis of compatibility effects in reading-by-rotating paradigms. To appear in Psychological Research.
Claus, B. & Willy, A. (accepted). Inkongruenz von Genus und Geschlecht in Nominalellipsen: Akzeptabilität und Asymmetrie (Gender mismatch in nominal ellipsis: acceptability and asymmetry).
Claus, B. (accepted). Framing effects: Three linguistic accounts and experimental evidence. To appear in S. Featherston, R. Hörnig, A. Konietzko, & S. von Wietersheim (Eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020.
Claus, B. (2019). Framing effects as a semantic puzzle: Putting the alignment-assumption account to a test. In M. T. Espinal, E. Castroviejo, M. Leonetti, L. McNally & C. Real-Puigdollers (Eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Vol. 1 (pp. 249-266).
Claus, B., Frühauf, F. & Krifka, M. (2019). Interpreting polarity-ambiguous propositional anaphors with negative antecedents: some experimental results. In M. T. Espinal, E. Castroviejo, M. Leonetti, L. McNally & C. Real-Puigdollers (Eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Vol. 1 (pp. 267-283).
Claus, B., Meijer, M., Repp, S., & Krifka, M. (2017). Puzzling response particles: An experimental study on the German answering system. Semantics and Pragmatics, 10.
Claus, B. (2017). Bedeutungsrepräsentationen: sprachliche und nicht-sprachliche Aspekte. Habilitation thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (2016). The interpretation of mixed predicates: contrasting two different types of plural subjects. In Pre-Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2016 (pp. 88-93).
Meijer, M., Claus, B., Repp, S., & Krifka, M. (2015). Particle responses to negated assertions: Preference patterns for German ja and nein. In T. Brochhagen, F. Roelofsen & N. Theiler (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Amsterdam Colloquium (pp. 286-295).
Claus, B. (2015). Verb gapping: an action-gap compatibility study. Acta Psychologica, 156, 104-113.
Claus, B. (2014). Are adjectival-passive states evaluated against a contrasting state? Juxtaposing adjectival passives with adjectives and with verbal passives. In Pre-Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2014 (pp. 33-38).
Claus, B. (2012). Processing narrative texts: Melting frozen time? In A. Benz, M. Stede, & P. Kühnlein (Eds.), Constraints in Discourse 3: Representing and inferring discourse structure (pp. 17-44). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Claus, B. & Kriukova, O. (2012). Interpreting adjectival passives: Evidence for the activation of contrasting states. In B. Stolterfoht & S. Featherston (Eds.), Empirical approaches to linguistic theory: Studies in meaning and structure (pp. 187-206). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Claus, B. (2011). Establishing salience during narrative text comprehension: A simulation view account. In C. Chiarcos, B. Claus, & M. Grabski (Eds.), Salience. Multidisciplinary perspectives on its function in discourse (pp. 251-277). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Chiarcos, C., Claus, B., & Grabski, M. (2011). Salience in linguistics and beyond. In C. Chiarcos, B. Claus, & M. Grabski (Eds.), Salience. Multidisciplinary perspectives on its function in discourse (pp. 1-28). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Kukina, O. & Claus, B. (2010). Is an open window the same as an opened one? Evidence that adjectives and adjectival passives differentially affect comprehension. In Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence (pp. 55-58).
Claus, B. & Vozikaki, K. (2010). Interpreting pronouns referring to the arguments of experiencer/stimulus verbs: reversed antecedent preferences for causal and consecutive connectives. In Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence (pp. 22-25).
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (2009). Embodied language comprehension: the processing of spatial information during reading and listening. In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 59 (pp. 1-44). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.
Claus, B. (2008). Discourse referents for nonspecific entities of described nonfactual situations. In Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence (pp. 102-104).
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (2006). Comprehending narratives containing flashbacks: Evidence for temporally organized representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32, 1031-1044.
Kelter, S. & Claus, B. (2005). How do readers deal with flashbacks in narratives? In B. G. Bara, L. Barsalou, & M. Bucciarelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1126-1131). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Kelter, S., Kaup, B. & Claus, B. (2004). Representing a described sequence of events: A dynamic view of narrative comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 30, 451-464.
Hörnig, R., Claus, B. & Eyferth, K. (2000). In search of an overall organizing principle in spatial mental models: a question of inference. In S. O'Nuallain (Ed.), Spatial Cognition: Foundations and applications. Selected papers from Mind III, Annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society of Ireland, 1998 (pp. 69-81). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Claus, B., Kindsmüller, M. C., Kaup, B. & Kelter, S. (1999). Inferenz zeitabhängiger Veränderungen von Entitäten beim Lesen. [Inferring time-dependent changes of entities during reading] Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie, 46, 237-242.
Hörnig, R., Eyferth, K. & Claus, B. (1999). Egozentrische Inferenz von Objektpositionen beim Lesen und Hören. [Egocentric inference of object positions during reading and listening] Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie, 46, 140-151.
Kaup, B., Kelter, S., Claus, B. & Kindsmüller, M. C. (1998). Zur Repräsentation der Zeitdauer in Diskurswelten [Representing the duration of described events]. In U. Kotkamp & W. Krause (eds.), Intelligente Informationsverarbeitung (pp. 111-119). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.
Claus, B., Eyferth, K., Gips, C., Hörnig, R., Schmid, U., Wiebrock, S. & Wysotzki, F. (1998). Reference frames for spatial inference in text understanding. In C. Freksa, C. Habel, K. F. Wender (eds.), Spatial Cognition - An interdisciplinary approach to representing and processing spatial knowledge (pp. 241-266). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Hörnig, R., Claus, B. & Eyferth, K. (1997). Objektzugriff im mentalen Modell: Eine Frage der Perspektive? [Object access in spatial mental models: A question of perspective?]. In C. Umbach, M. Grabski & R. Hörnig (eds.), Perspektive in Sprache und Raum (pp. 81-104). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.
Hörnig, R., Claus, B., Durstewitz, D., Fricke, E., Schmid, U., & Eyferth, K. (1996). Object access in mental models under different perspectives induced by linguistic expressions. KIT-Report 126, TU Berlin.
Durstewitz, D., Claus, B., Fricke, E., & Schmid, U. (1994). Induktion von Perspektive in räumlichen Situationsmodellen in Abhängigkeit vom sprachlichen Ausdruck [Inducing perspectives in spatial mental models by linguistic expressions]. KIT-Report 121, TU Berlin.
Durstewitz, D., Schmid, U., Claus, B., & Eyferth, K. (1994). Zum Einfluß von Situationsmodellen auf die Verarbeitung konsistenter versus inkonsistenter Textinformation [The impact of situation models on the processing of consistent and inconsistent text information]. KIT-Report 114, TU Berlin.
Claus, B. (November 2021). Effects of numeral modification on risky-choice and attribute framing effects (Poster). 62nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (virtual conference).
Claus, B. (April 2021). Grounded and/or symbolic representations: the case of framing effects (invited talk). Workshop Grounded and Symbolic Representations in Language Processing. Tübingen.
Claus, B. (April 2021). Framing-Effekte als Effekte sprachlicher Variation (Talk). Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Claus, B. (February 2020). Framing effects: Linguistic accounts and experimental evidence (Talk). Linguistic Evidence 2020. Tübingen.
Capuano, F., Claus, B. & Kaup, B. (February 2020). The experiential basis of compatibility effects in reading-by-rotating paradigms (Talk). Linguistic Evidence 2020. Tübingen.
Claus, B. (July 2019). Linguistic perspectives on framing effects (Talk). Research Techniques and Approaches: New Journeys in Linguistics (RTANJ Linguistics 3). Rtanj mountains, Serbia.
Capuano, F., Claus, B. & Kaup, B. (April 2019). Compatibility effects in reading-by-rotating paradigms (Poster). TeaP 2019. London.
Claus, B. & Willy, A. (March 2019). Herr Saki ist Japaner. Frau Kobo auch: Genusinkongruenz in Nominalellipsen (Talk). 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (AG 1: Kontraste und Oppositionen bei Genus und Geschlecht im Deutschen). Bremen.
Claus, B. (February 2019). Zum Einfluss sprachlicher Variation auf Urteile und Entscheidungen: Framing-Effekte aus sprachwissenschaftlicher Perspektive (Talk). Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Claus, B. (September 2018). State descriptions with adjectival passives vs. adjectives vs. event descriptions with verbal passives (invited talk). Polish Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Theme Session "Modification of Events and States: Theoretical and Processing Approaches", Poznan.
Claus, B. (September 2018). Framing effects as a semantic puzzle (Talk). Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Barcelona.
Claus, B., Frühauf, F. & Krifka, M. (September 2018). Negation and polarity-ambiguous propositional anaphors (Poster). Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Barcelona.
Claus, B. (July 2018). Propositionale Anaphern und Negation (invited talk). Universität Bielefeld.
Claus, B. (June 2018). Komplexanapahern und Negation: Polaritätsambiguität? (invited talk). Arbeitsgruppentreffen Sprache und Kognition, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Claus, B. (May 2018). Framing-Effekte: Effekte sprachlicher Variation als semantische Rätsel? (invited talk). Linguistisches Forschungskolloquium, Deutsches Seminar, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Claus, B. & Willy, A. (February 2018). Grammatical gender mismatch under nominal ellipsis: effects of mismatch type and grammatical number (Poster). Night Whites 2018, The Fourth St. Petersburg Winter Workshop on Experimental Studies of Speech and Language.
Claus, B. (February 2018). Framing-Effekte aus sprachwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Öffentlicher Habilitationsvortrag. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Repp, S., Meijer, A.M., Scherf, N. & Claus, B. (September 2017). Germanic responses to negative assertions (English, Dutch, Swedish and German): more different than you think (Poster). Annual Meeting of XPrag.de, Köln.
Frühauf, F., Claus, B., Repp, S., Krifka, M. & Meijer, A. M. (June 2017). Two response systems for German ja and nein? Evidence from usage preference data and interpretation data (Talk). 7th biannual Experimental Pragmatics Conference. Köln.
Claus, B. (June 2017). Zum Design experimenteller Studien (invited talk). Universität zu Köln.
Claus, B. (February 2017). Antwortpartikeln als propositionale Anaphern: Was bedeuten ja und nein? (invited talk). Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
Repp, S., Meijer, A.M. & Claus, B. (January 2017). A cross-linguistic view on speaker variation in the interpretation of response particles (Talk). Workshop "Cross-linguistic Pragmatics". ZAS, Berlin.
Claus, B. (July 2016). What do response particles mean? On German ja and nein (Talk). Psycholinguistics Colloquium, HU Berlin.
Claus, B., Frühauf, F., Repp, S., Meijer, A.M. & Krifka, M. (June 2016). Particle responses to negative polar questions with high vs. low negation (Poster). Annual Meeting of XPrag.de, Tübingen.
Repp, S., Meijer, A.M. & Claus, B. (June 2016). Response particles: The case of English (in comparison to German) (Poster). Annual Meeting of XPrag.de, Tübingen.
Claus, B. (June 2016). Textverstehen: Kompetenzen, Einflussfaktoren und didaktische Perspektiven (Talk). Tübingen.
Claus, B. & Solstad, T. (April 2016). Manfredine: what's in a name - conjunction fallacy or not? (Poster). Trends in Linguistics - A workshop in honor of Manfred Krifka. Berlin. [poster]
Claus, B., Meijer, M., Repp, S., & Krifka, M. (February 2016). Polarity particles in response to negated antecedents: Two groups of speakers for German ja and nein (Talk). 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (AG 5: The grammatical realization of polarity. Theoretical and experimental approaches). Konstanz.
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (February 2016). The interpretation of mixed predicates: contrasting two different types of plural subjects (Talk). Linguistic Evidence 2016. Tübingen.
Claus, B., Meijer, M., Repp, S., & Krifka, M. (January 2016). Particle responses to negative assertions and questions: Two groups of speakers for the German response particles ja and nein (Talk). XPrag.de Workshop Questions, Answers and Negation. Berlin.
Meijer, M., Claus, B., Repp, S., & Krifka, M. (December 2015). Particle responses to negated assertions: Preference patterns for German 'ja' and 'nein' (Talk). Amsterdam Colloquium 2015. Amsterdam.
Claus, B., Meijer, M., Repp, S., & Krifka, M. (August 2015). Are response particles not well understood? Yes/No, they aren't! An experimental study on German ja and nein (Poster). SemDial 2015 - goDIAL, 19th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Göteborg.
Claus, B., Meijer, M., Repp, S., & Krifka, M. (June 2015). Puzzling response particles: an experimental study on German ja and nein (Talk). Annual Meeting of XPrag.de, Göttingen.
Claus, B., Meijer, M., & Stein, E. (June 2015). Wer Ja sagt kann nicht Nein sagen? Doch! (Experiments for visitors + Poster). Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Berlin.
Claus, B. (March 2014). Embodiment and modalisation: Grounding of desiderative modality (Talk). 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (AG 8: Converging evidence? Embodied views of basic categories in language and cognition). Marburg. [slides]
Claus, B. (February 2014). Are adjectival-passive states evaluated against a contrasting state? Juxtaposing adjectival passives with adjectives and with verbal passives (Talk). Linguistic Evidence 2014. Tübingen. [slides]
Hasenäcker, J. & Claus, B. (October 2013). What's up with valence? - Investigating conceptual metaphors in the processing of emotional words (Poster). Investigating semantics: Empirical and philosophical approaches. Bochum.
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (September 2013). Five minutes vs. an hour ago: processing flashbacks in narratives (Poster). AMLaP 2013, 19th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Marseille. [poster]
Tóth, A. & Claus, B. (September 2013). Environmental context affects visual word recognition in bilinguals (Poster). AMLaP 2013, 19th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Marseille. [poster]
Claus, B. (March 2013). Opened (not closed): Do adjectival passives activate a contrasting state? (Poster). 55. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Vienna, Austria. [poster]
Claus, B. (October 2012). Geöffnet (nicht geschlossen) - wird bei der Interpretation eines Zustandspassivs ein Kontrastzustand mental aktiviert? (Talk). DaF-Kolloquium, HU Berlin.
Claus, B. (September 2012). John opens a juice bottle and Jim a lemonade bottle - novel evidence for the on-line reactivation of gapped verb information? (Poster). Workshop: Understanding the meaning of words and sentences: The role of non-linguistic processes. Tübingen, Germany.
Claus, B. (September 2012). Non-linguistic processes and sentence modality: Desiderative mode and approach/avoidance actions (invited talk). Workshop "Understanding the meaning of words and sentences: The role of non-linguistic processes". Tübingen, Germany.
Claus, B. (September 2012). Juxtaposing adjectival and verbal passives (Poster). AMLaP 2012, 18th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Riva del Garda, Italy.
Claus, B. (April 2012). Verb gapping: John opens a juice bottle and Jim a lemonade bottle - novel evidence for the on-line reactivation of gapped verb information? (Poster). 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Mannheim, Germany.
Claus, B. (November 2011). Gapping - On-line reactivation of verb information? Evidence from an action/gapped verb compatibility study (invited talk). Guest lecture series of the SFB 732. Universität Stuttgart, Germany. [slides]
Claus, B. & Dalati, Y. (September 2011). Mental simulation of actions conveyed by gapped verbs? (Talk). AMLaP 2011, 17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Paris, France.
Claus, B. (July 2011). Representing referents of partitioning and non-partitioning plural expressions (invited talk). 3rd Workshop on Semantic Processing, Logic, and Cognition. Tübingen, Germany. [slides]
Claus, B., Fuchs, L., & Schorr, C. (October 2010). Online comprehension of desiderative-mood sentences: Evidence for an immediate activation of the approach system (Talk). 10. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Potsdam, Germany.
Claus, B. (June 2010). Simulationstheorien des Sprachverstehens: Implikationen für die Verarbeitung und Repräsentation beschriebener Sachverhalte (invited talk). Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Claus, B. & Bader, R. (March 2010). Verarbeitung von Beschreibungen gewünschter Situationen: Interaktion von Satzmodalität und annäherungs- vs. vermeidungsbezogenen Handlungen (Talk). 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Saarbrücken, Germany.
Claus, B. & Vozikaki, K. (February 2010). Interpreting pronouns referring to the arguments of experiencer/stimulus verbs: reversed antecedent preferences for causal and consecutive connectives (Talk). Linguistic Evidence 2010. Tübingen, Germany. [slides]
Kukina, O. & Claus, B. (February 2010). Is an open window the same as an opened one? Evidence that adjectives and adjectival passives differentially affect comprehension (Talk). Linguistic Evidence 2010. Tübingen, Germany.
Claus, B. & Bader, R. (January 2010). Desiderative sentence mood and approach-avoidance actions (Poster). EPS Workshop on the Representation of Abstract Words. London, England.
Claus, B. (December 2009). "For one hour", "One year later" et al (Talk). FEAST. Saarland University.
Claus, B. (December 2009). Does processing sentences in desiderative mood involve an activation of the approach system? (invited talk). Kolloquium Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, University of Tübingen.
Claus, B. (September 2009). An hour later vs. six hours later: do comprehenders attend to the size of narrative time shifts? (Poster). AMLaP 2009, 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Barcelona, Spain.
Kukina, O. & Claus, B. (September 2009). Adjectives vs. adjectival passives in descriptions of desired states: does the form affect comprehension? (Poster). AMLaP 2009, 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Barcelona, Spain.
Claus, B. & Bader, R. (July 2009). Flexing versus extending: approach-avoidance actions affect the processing of desiderative-mood sentences (Poster). ESLP09, Workshop Embodied and Situated Language Processing. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Claus, B. (April 2009). Representing narrated time in text comprehension (invited talk). 2nd Workshop on Semantic Processing, Logic and Cognition. Tübingen, Germany.
Claus, B. & Bader, R. (March 2009). Action-mood-compatibility: Desiderative sentence mood and approach/avoidance actions (Poster). 22nd Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Davis, USA.
Claus, B. (December 2008). Embodied language processing: desiderative sentence mood and approach/avoidance actions (Talk). FEAST. Saarland University.
Claus, B. & Kaup, B. (October 2008). Processing and representing the temporal structure of described events (Introduction to the Symposium Melting Frozen Time). 9. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Dresden, Germany.
Claus, B. (July 2008). Comprehending descriptions of non-factual desired situations: Discourse referents and motor actions (invited talk). Constraints in Discourse III. Potsdam, Germany.
Claus, B. & Bader, R. (July 2008). Processing sentences in desiderative mood affects approach/avoidance actions (Talk). XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin, Germany.
Claus, B. (January 2008). Discourse referents for nonspecific entities of described nonfactual situations (Poster). Linguistic Evidence 2008. Tübingen, Germany. [poster]
Claus, B. (August 2007). Accessing discourse referents for nonspecific versus specific entities (Talk). 13th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Turku, Finland. [slides]
Kelter, S. & Claus, B. (August 2007). Processing visuospatial information during reading and listening: the reading-interference hypothesis (Talk). ESP07, workshop on embodied sentence processing. Saarbrücken, Germany.
Claus, B. & Bader, R. (August 2007). Pushing versus pulling: Desiderative sentence mood facilitates approach related motor actions (Talk). ESP07, workshop on embodied sentence processing. Saarbrücken, Germany.
Claus, B. (December 2006). Simulating the described world: Representation of duration and order of described events (invited talk). University of Dundee, Scotland.
Claus, B. (November 2006). The simulation view of language comprehension: Implications for the representation of spatial and temporal aspects of the described world (invited talk). Saarland University.
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (March 2006). Repräsentation der Referenten pluraler Ausdrücke (Talk). 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Mainz, Germany. [slides]
Claus, B. & Kaup, B. (March 2006). Einführung zum Symposium Effekte des beschriebenen Sachverhalts und der Art und Weise der Beschreibung beim Satz- und Textverstehen 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Mainz, Germany.
Claus, B. (September 2005). Hypothetical situations described in narratives: The mental representation of described desire worlds (invited talk). University of Plymouth, England.
Kelter, S. & Claus, B. (July 2005). How do readers deal with flashbacks in narratives? (Talk). XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Stresa, Italy.
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (July 2005). Processing flashbacks in narratives: The effect of temporal distance (Poster). 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Claus, B. (June 2005). How do comprehenders mentally represent narrated hypothetical situations? (invited talk). Trinity College, Dublin, Irland.
Claus, B. (June 2005). Mentale Repräsentation von in narrativen Texten geschilderten Wunschwelten (invited talk). Institut für Psychologie, Universität Potsdam.
Claus, B. (April 2005). Repräsentation beschriebener Wunschwelten beim Textverstehen (Poster). 47. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Regensburg, Germany.
Kelter, S. & Claus, B. (April 2005). Verarbeitung von Rückblendesätzen beim Lesen narrativer Texte (Poster). 47. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Regensburg, Germany.
Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (April 2004). Zum Verstehen von narrativen Texten mit Rückblenden (Talk). 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Gießen, Germany.
Kelter, S. & Claus, B. (June 2003). Representing a non-chronologically described sequence of events (Talk). 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Madrid, Spain.
Kelter, S. & Claus, B. (March 2003). Zum Verstehen pluraler Nominalphrasen (Poster). 45. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Kiel, Germany.
Lang, P., Claus, B. & Kelter, S. (September 2002). Repräsentation der Dauer und Chronologie von Ereignissen beim Textverstehen (Talk). 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Berlin, Germany.
Claus, B., Kelter, S., Liebe, G. & Specht, A. (March 2002). Repräsentation nicht chronologisch geschilderter Ereignisfolgen in Mentalen Modellen (Talk). 44. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Chemnitz, Germany.
Claus, B., Kaup, B. & Kelter, S. (September 2001). Text modality affects spatial information processing in narrative text comprehension (Talk). 5. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Leipzig, Germany.
Kelter, S., Kaup, B. & Claus, B. (September 2001). Two types of plural expressions and the mental representation of their referents (Poster). 7th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Saarbrücken, Germany.
Kelter, S., Claus, B., Liebe, G. & Specht, A. (June 2001). Textverstehen und nicht-sprachliche Kognition (Talk). Kognitionswissenschaftliches Symposium Berlin-Brandenburg. Berlin.
Claus, B. (June 2000). Kohärenz ist keine Eigenschaft von Texten sondern von Repräsentationen (invited talk). KIT- Kolloquium "Kohärenz", FB Informatik, TU Berlin.
Claus, B. (May 2000). Representation of temporal duration in text comprehension (Talk). Workshop "Mental Models, Mental Imagery, and Text Comprehension". Dresden, Germany.
Liebe, G., Peters, A., Claus, B., Kaup, B. & Kelter, S. (April 2000). Lesebedingte Interferenz beim Aufbau räumlicher Repräsentationen (Poster). 42. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Braunschweig, Germany.
Claus, B. (March 1999). Inferenz diskurszeitabhängiger Sachverhaltsänderungen beim Textverstehen (Talk). 41. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Leipzig, Germany.
Hörnig, R., Eyferth, K., Gärtner, H. & Claus, B. (March 1999). Führt dynamische ebenso wie statische Beschreibung zu einer egozentrischen Objekt-Lokalisierung in mentalen Modellen? (Poster). 41. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Leipzig, Germany.
Hörnig, R., Claus, B. & Eyferth, K. (August 1998). In search for an overall organizing principle in spatial mental models: A question of inference (Talk). Mind III: The Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society of Ireland. Dublin, Ireland.
Hörnig, R., Claus, B. & Eyferth, K. (April 1998). Inferenz bezugsystem-gebundener Objektpositionen bei gehörter und gelesener Textinformation (Talk). 40. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Marburg, Germany.
Kaup, B., Kelter, S., Claus, B. & Kindsmüller, M. C. (September 1997). Zur Repräsentation der Zeitdauer in Diskurswelten (Talk). 3. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Jena, Germany.
Hörnig, R., Claus, B. & Eyferth, K. (March 1997). "Dort steht der Kühlschrank" - "Der Kühlschrank steht rechts": Objektlokalisierung in mentalen Modellen (Talk). 39. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Berlin, Germany.
Hörnig, R., Claus, B. & Eyferth, K. (April 1996). Perspektivität raum-analoger mentaler Modelle (Talk). 38. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Eichstätt, Germany.
Durstewitz, D. & Claus, B. (February 1994). Zum Einfluß unterschiedlicher Raum- und Tätigkeitsbeschreibungen auf Perspektive in Situationsmodellen (Talk). 2. Meilenstein des interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts Kognition und Kontext, TU Berlin.