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@inproceedings{Golcher.Reznicek.2011Stylometryandthe, author = {Golcher, Felix and Reznicek, Marc}, title = {Stylometry and the Interplay of Topic and L1 in the Different Annotation Layers in the Falko Corpus}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Qitl 4}, year = {2011}, editor = {L{\"u}deling, Anke and Zeldes, Amir} } @inproceedings{Hirschmann.Ludeling.Rehbein.etAl..toappear.UnderuseofSyntacticCategoriesinFalko, author = {Hirschmann, Hagen and L{\"u}deling, Anke and Rehbein, Ines and Reznicek, Marc and Zeldes, Amir}, title = {Underuse of Syntactic Categories in Falko: A Case Study on Modification}, booktitle = {20 Years of Learner Corpus Research}, year = {to appear}, abstract = {This paper shows how the automatic syntactic analysis of a corpus of advanced learners of German as a foreign language helps in understanding the acquisition of modification. In former corpus research modification has been studied only by comparing the distributions of single words (or groups of words) in learner and native speaker data. We argue that in order to study modification as a syntactic category it is necessary to work with syntactically analyzed corpora. In this vein, we sketch out our approach to parsing learner language and conduct two contrastive interlanguage studies on modification in the syntactically annotated corpus, showing that not only lexical modifiers can be underused (as shown in many other studies), but that modification as a whole category (including multi-word modifiers such as prepositional phrases, and clausal modifiers such as relative clauses) is underused in our learner corpus data.}, editor = {Granger, Sylviane and Meunier, Fanny} } @article{Rehbein.etAl.2012.BetterTagsGive, author = {Rehbein, Ines and Hirschmann, Hagen and L{\"u}deling, Anke and Reznicek, Marc}, year = {2012}, title = {Better Tags Give Better Trees or do they?}, journal = {Linguistic Issues in Language Technology}, abstract = {Parsing learner data poses a great challenge for standard tools, since non-canonical and unusual structures may lead to wrong interpretations on the part of the taggers and parsers. It is well known that providing a statistical parser with perfect part-of-speech (POS) tags is of great benefit for parsing accuracy, and that parsing results can decrease considerably when the parser has to predict its own POS tags. Therefore one might expect that even small improvements in POS accuracy have a positive effect on parsing performance. In this paper we test this assumption and assess the impact of POS tag accuracy on constituency parsing for German learner language. We compare different strategies to manual correction of the learner text and specific POS tags, and we measure the time requirements for each strategy. We show that tagging a canonical equivalent of the non-canonical learner text substantially improves POS tag accuracy. Correcting selected POS tags can only lead to parsing results comparable to a setting where all POS tags are corrected, while reducing annotation time substantially. However, the manual corrections of the POS tags do not result in a statistically signi?cant improvement for parsing, giving evidence for the high quality of the automatically predicted parts-of-speech for the corrected learner data.}, keywords = {falko;dependence;leaner variety;learner corpus;POS-tagging;correction;target hypothesis}, volume = {7}, number = {10} } @phdthesis{Reznicek.13.3.2008ThinkingL1forSpeakingL2, author = {Reznicek, Marc}, year = {13.3.2008}, title = {Thinking L1 for Speaking L2: Der Einfluss des muttersprachlichen Aspektsystems bei spanischsprachigen Deutschlernern}, school = {{Humboldt-Universit{\"a}t zu Berlin}}, url = {}, address = {Berlin}, urldate = {17.10.2010}, publisher = {Institut f{\"u}r deutsche Sprache und Linguistik} } @incollection{Reznicek.Ludeling.eaImDruckCompetingTargetHypothesesintheFalkoCorpus, author = {Reznicek, Marc and L{\"u}deling, Anke and Hirschmann, Hagen}, title = {Competing Target Hypotheses in the Falko Corpus: A Flexible Multi-Layer Corpus Architecture}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, booktitle = {Automatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data}, year = {[Im Druck]}, abstract = {Error annotation is a key feature of modern learner corpora. Error identification is always based on some kind of reconstructed learner utterance (target hypothesis). Since a single target hypothesis can only cover a certain amount of linguistic information while ignoring other aspects, the need for multiple target hypotheses becomes apparent. Using the German learner corpus Falko as an example we therefore argue for a flexible multi-layer standoff corpus architecture where competing target hypotheses can be coded simultaneously. Surface differences between the learner text and the target hypotheses can then be exploited for automatic error annotation.}, keywords = {target hypothesis;multi-level corpus architecture;automatic error annotation;Falko learner corpus}, editor = {D{\'i}az-Negrillo, Ana} } @misc{Reznicek.LudelingetAl.2012DasFalkoHandbuch, title = {Das Falko-Handbuch: Korpusaufbau und Annotationen: Version 2.0}, author = {Reznicek, Marc and L{\"u}deling, Anke and Schwantuschke, Franziska}, year = {2012}, keywords = {learner corpus;Learner error;target hypothesis;annotation schemes;annotation;L1;L2;complex verbs;POS-tagging;lemma-tagging;falko;DISS}, address = {Berlin}, urldate = {10.09.12}, institution = {{Institut f{\"u}r deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universit{\"a}t zu Berlin}} } @misc{Reznicek.2010DasFalkoHandbuch, title = {Das Falko-Handbuch: Korpusaufbau und Annotationen: Version 1.01}, author = {Reznicek, Marc and Walter, Maik and Schmidt, Karin and L{\"u}deling, Anke and Hirschmann, Hagen and Krummes, Cedric and Andreas, Torsten}, year = {2010}, url = {}, keywords = {learner corpus;Learner error;target hypothesis;annotation schemes;annotation;L1;L2;complex verbs;POS-tagging;lemma-tagging;falko;DISS}, address = {Berlin}, urldate = {09.03.2012}, institution = {{Institut f{\"u}r deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universit{\"a}t zu Berlin}} } @article{Zinsmeister.etAl.2012.DasWissenschaftlicheNetzwerk, author = {Zinsmeister, Heike and Reznicek, Marc and Ricart Brede, Julia and Ros{\'e}n, Christina and Skiba, Dirk}, year = {2012}, title = {Das Wissenschaftliche Netzwerk {\glqq}Kobalt-DaF{\grqq}}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Germanistische Linguistik}, pages = {457--458}, volume = {40}, number = {3}, issn = {0301-3294}, doi = {10.1515/zgl-2012-0030} }