Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - German in Multilingual Contexts

Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities | Department of German Studies and Linguistics | German in Multilingual Contexts | Corpora | The KiezDeutsch-Korpus | KiDKo/Sch (Schriftlich – "written"): supplementary corpus for written text production

KiDKo/Sch (Schriftlich – "written"): supplementary corpus for written text production

The KiDKo/Sch corpus (German “schriftlich”, ‘written’) includes written text productions and thus supports comparisons of written data with oral data from the KiDKo/Mu and KiDKo/Mo corpora. In addition to the Berlin speakers recorded in KiDKo/Mu and KiDKo/Mo, the corpus also includes data from speakers of German as a Foreign Language in Izmir (Turkey), which can be used as contrasts.



  1. Germany (Berlin):
    1. Adolescents from a multi-ethnic neighbourhood in Berlin (Kreuzberg; see KiDKo main corpus).
    2. Adolescents from a mono-ethnic neighbourhood in Berlin (Hellersdorf; see KiDKo supplementary corpus)
  2. Turkey (Izmir):
    1. Pupils at İzmir Kız Lisesi secondary school with a specialisation in "German as a second foreign language", same age group as the Berlin adolescents
    2. Students of German Studies (Germanistik) at Ege University (19–24 years old)


Data collection


  1. “Frog Story”

Narration of the picture book “Frog Story” (Mayer 1969)

  • oral narration while looking at the pictures
  • written narration of the story from memory


  1. “Cinema ticket raffle”

Elicitation of different registers through a cartoon story, "cinema ticket raffle", in a modified “Language Situations” setup (Wiese 2020; for elicitation with the cartoon story cf. Mayr 2012; Bijvoet & Fraurud 2010).

  • written, informal: e-mail to a friend
  • written, formal: witness report for the police


The data was obtained as part of a larger elicitation that included written as well as oral tasks. The written data from KiDKo/Sch is also published as a working paper in Freywald, Mayr, Schalowski & Wiese (2010).


Accessing the corpus


The KiDKo/Sch corpus can be accessed by importing it into a local version of ANNIS (an open-source platform that enables browser-based searches of linguistically annotated corpora):

In addition, the corpus is also available as EXMARaLDA files; these can be downloaded here together with a Pepper conversion file (for conversion into the relANNIS format) at:




KiDKo/Sch (Schriftlich) – Ein Korpus schriftlicher Textproduktionen. Zusatzkorpus zum KiezDeutsch-Korpus, KiDKo, by Ulrike Freywald, Katharina Mayr, Sören Schalowski [&] Heike Wiese, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



  • Bijvoet, Ellen, & Fraurud, Kari (2010). Rinkeby Swedish in the mind of the beholder. Studying listener perceptions of language variation in multilingual Stockholm. In: Quist, Pia, & Svendsen, Bente A. (eds.), Multilingual Urban Scandinavia. New Linguistic Practices. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 170-188.
  • Freywald, Ulrike; Mayr, Katharina; Schalowski, Sören, & Wiese, Heike (2010). Linguistic Fieldnotes II: Information structure in different variants of written German. Schriftliche Textproduktion – Kiezdeutsch, Berlinisch und DaF (L1 Türkisch). Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam (= ISIS 14).
  • Mayer, Mercer (1969). Frog, where are you? New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
  • Mayr, Katharina (2012). "Ich hör', wie du sprichst und sag' dir, wer du bist!" Studie zu Einstellungen von Lehrer/inne/n zu (jugend-)sprachlichen Varietäten und zu ihrem Sprach(-kompetenz-)verständnis. Master thesis. Universität Potsdam.
  • Wiese, Heike (2020). Language Situations: A method for capturing variation within speakers’ repertoires. In: Yoshiyuki Asahi (Hg.), Methods in Dialectology XVI. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang [Bamberg Studies in English Linguistics]. S.105-117.